Saturday, April 9, 2011

God's Will

I can't even count how many times that I have prayed this prayer: "God what is your will for my life?" I think that it would be safe to say that almost every person in this world has asked a question similar to that. Everybody wants to know what their purpose in life is, and everybody wants to know what they are supposed to be or where they are supposed to go. My question today is, "Is that really what God's will is for us?" Is what your supposed to be, and where your supposed to go, knowing God's will?

All throughout the bible, there are numerous stories of people that didn't know WHERE they were going, or even knew WHAT they were supposed to be. For instance look at David's life. I can't even imagine how he felt when his brothers got drafted into the military and he get's left behind in charge of tending his father's sheep. He probably felt inadequate and felt that he had no purpose in life. But it was the skills that he learned from tending to the sheep that allowed him to defeat Goliath.

Joseph was left for dead in a cistern, and thrown in jail for years. My point? It's not necessarily WHERE you are at in life, or WHAT you do. God is worried with WHO you are becoming! It took just a day to develop the dream that Joseph had, but it took years to develop him into the dreamer that God created him to be.

Don't give up, don't lose heart if you haven't seen your dreams come to pass. Chances are that God has placed you in your situation for this time, for a purpose. And it's not until your dreams come to pass that you will understand why you had to experience those situations. We have a God that knows the perfect plan and purpose for our life. All we have to worry about is WHO we are, and WHO we are to become!

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