Thursday, April 28, 2011


I can't begin to tell you how faithful God has been to me in these last few months. 2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself" and even when I fall short, God comes through time and time again. The last four months, God has taken me on an amazing journey. In those four months our attendance at Skyline Student Ministry has grown, but more importantly, 58 students have given their lives to Christ for the very first time! For me though, I have never been so challenged in my life. Why? Because I want to se more people come to Christ!

I once read a quote from Walt Disney that said, "God forgive me when my dreams come true, because that means I have dreamt too small." A book that I just began to read says, "What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible?" And even though I have looked back on these last four months and have been taken back by what God is doing through Skyline and the leaders, there's a part of me that is wanting more. I have been challenged because I took a good look at the people that I associate with, and realized that almost everybody that I am with, is a believer in Christ Jesus. This saddened me because if Jesus were hear right now, chances are that he would not be hanging out with me. Frances Chan in his book Crazy Love compares Christians that surround themselves with JUST other Christians are like "manure" when piled up, it's just a big pile of nastiness, and is useless, but when spread out over a field, it actually nourishes and helps grow! Isn't that we are called to do? To be a light into the darkness? I'm not saying that it's bad to have Christian friends. By all means, having godly influences in your life to keep you accountable is great, but are we being the hands and feet of Christ, are we being a light to the darkness if the only people we associate with are Christians?

My prayer and vision for this year is this; God I pray that my dreams and visions are intimidating to me, because then they are not insulting to you. Imagine if thousands upon thousands of people, millions upon millions come to Christ, simply because someone would be willing to make a stand.

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