Thursday, August 4, 2011

Setbacks become Slingshots

We just began a new series called "SIMPLE" and a question that I ask is this, "Does life have to be so complicate?" I've asked myself this many times before, and let me just tell you right now before I even continue on, that life is complicated, and just because you're a Christian doesn't mean that life should be, or will be SIMPLE. Being a follower of Christ Jesus will complicate your life, but it will complicate your life the way that it needs to be complicated. For example; Marriage. Marriage is a great thing, and I am happily married to an amazing woman of God, but it will complicate your life more then it would be if you remained single. I now have to check with Rachel before I decide to go on a trip, I have make sure her needs are met, and I can no longer do what's best for me but I do what's best for us. It complicates life, but it complicates it in a good way! Sin on the other hand complicates life the way that it shouldn't be complicated. It keeps us focused on earthly things when our eyes should be fixed on Christ Jesus.

We have all had situations take place in our life that have made things complicated. Maybe you've experienced a divorce, lost your job, lost a loved one, found out that you have an incurable disease, lost your home or whatever it may be. The honest truth is that we cannot control the experiences that we face in our lives. And I feel that people just can't come to terms with that truth. We try so hard to wrap our small minds around God and try to have all the answers to life (I'm guilty myself). But we will never have all the answers to life, and we will never be able to control our experiences in life, but we can control our attitude towards each and every experience that we encounter.

One of my favorite stories in the bible is found in Genesis, and it's the account of Joseph life. As a teenage his brothers faked his death and sold him into slavery. I can honestly say if that were me, I would be bumming out pretty hardcore. But Joseph kept the faith and things got a little bit better until he resisted sexual advances made on him from Potiphar's wife. He was then unjustly thrown into an Egyptian dungeon on attempted rape charges and for thirteen years things went from bad to worse. But Joseph never lost faith because his faith wasn't contingent upon his circumstances, and after thirteen years of SETBACKS in his life, God used to SLINGSHOT him from being a prisoner to prime minister over Egypt.

If your going through a difficult time right now, keep the faith. Chances are God setting you up for something greater!

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